Welcome to the UT Systems and Storage Lab. The lab is directed by Prof. Vijay Chidambaram.

Mission: To advance the state-of-the-art in storage and systems in the face of new challenges such as the explosion of data and new storage techologies. To train the next generation of computer scientists and engineers.

We aim to build the next generation of storage systems. This means building storage systems that have higher performance and stronger reliability. We build both storage systems and the tools need to develop such systems rigorously, such as testing frameworks. Our work involves innovation both at the data-structure level and at the systems level. We open-source all the software we build, and aim to have impact both inside academia and in industry.

Check out the code we have released. We aim to include both undergraduate and Masters students in active research. Currently, we have four PhD students, one Masters student, and two undergraduate students working with the lab.

We thank NSF, VMware, Facebook, and Google for supporting our lab.

The group at lunch (L to R): Sekwon, Soujanya, Jayashree, Vijay, Rohan, Aashaka, Supreeth
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